Have you ever had a really nasty craving? I'm not talking about the Laverne & Shirley "Milk and Coke" or a pregnant woman's midnight urges for "Pickles and Ice Cream", but a really nasty hankering for a dish or a meal you had at a restaurant? The only thing is, the restaurant is now out of business, or maybe they changed their menu, and no longer offer that particular delicacy.
I had just that problem recently, only in my particular case it was because I moved out of state. I have had the craving for a big plate of Queso Fries and a special sandwich I have only been able to find in South Austin.
Tonight,while looking for the specific menu items, so I could list my cravings by name, I learned that my favorite restaurant in the entire world, went out of business in 2007
You see, I used to live in South Austin, TX, just West of I-35 and South of Town Lake. I know that Austin is world renowned for a lot of things (music, governors, heck, even the City Limits are famous), but what I love best about the city is the food. Austin has places like Threadgill's, Amy's Icecream, The Broken Spoke, Chuy's, El Arroyo. But First and foremost, Austin was the Home of the Texicalli Grill. The Texicalli was located just down the road from my High School Alma Mater, William B Travis High School, at
534 E Oltorf St
Austin, TX 78704-5639
The owner, Danny Young, took over the building from the Taco Bell. But when I stepped into the place, I knew I was home. The interior was decorated the way my parents would not let me decorate my room. Not one square inch of the walls or ceiling was visible. I'm not talking about the normal poster type wallpapering, there were... Just look at the picture and you will see for yourself.

I used to live at the Texicalli. Well, not really live, but I would eat there at least 3 days a week. At first I was unsure of the place - after all, it used to be a Taco Bell! But it did not take long for me to warm up to the place. It would not be uncommon to hear me say "Are you gonna eat that?" when my plate would be empty and yours would not.
The Texicalli Grill holds a special place in my stomach and Danny Young, the unofficial mayor of South Austin, holds a special place in my heart. I will miss you both. I don't know how to separate one from the other.
I don't know if I will ever see Danny again, or if I will have the heart to drive past the former Texicalli Grill, but I will always remember your bigger than life personality and your beautifully decorated, former Taco Bell, of a restaurant.